- Gallup TradingHome
- Navajo - Sunshine Reeves
- Navajo - Sunshine Reeves
He is known for his stamp work in his silversmithing. He makes a number of different things including jewelry. His fine art designs are made by many stamps. He has many fans and collectors of his jewelry . No matter what, his jewelry will match any occasion.
Navajo - Sunshine Reeves
Shop By Tribe
- Hopi
- Aaron Anderson
- Alex Sanchez
- Andy Cadman
- Arland Ben
- Arnold Goodluck
- Bo Reeves
- Bruce Morgan
- Calvin Martinez
- Charlie John
- Dan Jackson
- Darrell Cadman
- Darryl Dean Begay
- Delbert Gordon
- Donovan Cadman
- Eddison Smith
- Ernie Lister
- Ervin Tsosie
- Fred Peters
- Harrison Jim
- Harvey Mace
- Herman Smith
- Jennifer Curtis
- Kee Yazzie
- Lee Begay
- Leonard Nez
- Lyle Secatero
- Lyndon Tsosie
- Mike Thompson
- Norbert Peshlakai
- Patricia & Edward Becenti
- Perry Shorty
- Philander Begay
- Reva Goodluck
- Robin Tsosie
- Ron Bedonie
- Sheila Tso
- Steve Arviso
- Steve Yellowhorse
- Sunshine Reeves
- Terry Martinez
- Thomas Jim
- Veronica Benally
- Wes Willie
- Wilbert Manning
- Wilson Jim
- Zeita Begay
- Santo Domingo
- Zuni
- Others
Shop by Size (Rings)
- +++5-1/2inch+++5-1/4inch+++5-3/4inch+++5inch+++arrow+++bracelet+++buckle+++coral+++damale turquoise+++dry creek turquoise+++egyptian turquoise+++feather+++heart+++import_2020_09_23_003204+++jewelry+++joined-description-fields+++kingman turquoise+++lapis+++morenci turquoise+++naja+++navajo+++other+++other-items+++pendant+++persian turquoise+++red mountain+++ring+++royston turquoise+++silver+++size 10+++size 10.5+++size 11+++size 11.5+++size 12+++size 12.5+++size 5+++size 5.5+++size 6+++size 6.5+++size 7+++size 8+++size 8.5+++size 9+++size 9.5+++sonoran turquoise+++stamp ring+++stamp work+++stamped design+++sunshine reeves+++turquoise+++
- +++5-1/2inch+++5-1/4inch+++5-3/4inch+++5inch+++arrow+++bracelet+++buckle+++coral+++damale turquoise+++dry creek turquoise+++egyptian turquoise+++feather+++heart+++import_2020_09_23_003204+++jewelry+++joined-description-fields+++kingman turquoise+++lapis+++morenci turquoise+++naja+++navajo+++other+++other-items+++pendant+++persian turquoise+++red mountain+++ring+++royston turquoise+++silver+++size 10+++size 10.5+++size 11+++size 11.5+++size 12+++size 12.5+++size 5+++size 5.5+++size 6+++size 6.5+++size 7+++size 8+++size 8.5+++size 9+++size 9.5+++sonoran turquoise+++stamp ring+++stamp work+++stamped design+++sunshine reeves+++turquoise+++